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What Every Nonprofit Website Should Have

Over the past month or so it seems I’ve had to point out various websites issues for my clients a lot. Is it the moon is retrograde?  I think not.

The two areas that surface the most are functionality and optimization because we are often assisting with Google Ad (ad grants) implementation.  The technical specifications required, functionality, and optimization of the site help guarantee the ad campaigns are a success. I must admit the sites are beautiful but if they aren’t doing the ‘job’ they need to do, unfortuantely … it’s just a pretty site.

Functionality refers to systems set up to gather data to build support. Optimization refers to Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and the use of keywords, blogs and other strategies that build the SEO score.

Website’s Purpose

A nonprofit’s website is the organization’s most important digital platform and marketing tool. Often someone offers (or you will ask) to build a website for free. We understand it is a very tempting offer, but unless the person is skilled at development and understands the unique needs of the nonprofit sector, in the long run it will cost your organization. Marketing, not fundraising as most think, is the #1 challenge for most nonprofits, and the website needs to be designed to maximize effectiveness and efficency, and include elements (systems) that build capacity.

Your website should be a priority and one of your first organizational investments.

Are you a current nonprofit with an existing website? When was the last time you updated it or assessed your website’s effectiveness? Was it years ago? Does it look old and outdated? If that’s the case your website visitors may think your organization is old and outdated too and it might be time for an overhaul.

Assessing Your Website

Therefore, we thought it would be useful to have a check list to do a self-assessment. If you are thinking about getting a Google Ad Grant ($10,000 in free ads per month) your website is one of the most imprtant elements to get approval. Here’s a list to check.

  1. Consistent Brand Messaging
  2. Captivating Copy
  3. Show Impact
  4. Clear Call-to-Action
  5. SEO Optimized
  6. Includes a Blog
  7. Compelling Images and Visuals
  8. Responsive
  9. User Friendly Navigation
  10. Make Donating Easy
  11. Internal Linking
  12. Include Multiple connections
  13. Website Security
  14. Transparency

Feeling overwhelmed with all this information? The Philantrepreneur Foundation can help.

Generally when you look for a web developer it is all about ‘building’ the site and they ask you to provide the content – that’s the most important element. Make sure you know what you need to tell the developer in terms of technical specifications and content areas.

Receive expert web development and nonprofit specialist’s support. We ensure all of these items are included on your website.  Learn more about our website services.


#nonprofitwebsite #GOOGLEADGRANT #fundraising #marketing