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Aligning Marketing & Social Impact Strategies

In a recent blog by Kemya Scott, one of the country’s leading marketing strategists, she offered marketing tips and trends that could damage your business. One tip was if you align with a cause or movement you don’t believe in it could have a negative impact on your business.  You would think aligning with ‘any’ cause would be useful but as Kemya noted, there must be a plan. Here at the Philantrepreneur Foundation (TPF) we are in total agreement with that premise and have some additional insight to offer.

We understand the appeal to align with a cause because you probably have seen the data that 87% of consumers look for companies that demonstrate social impact. However, as a business owner it is equally as important to strategically think about your business goals and customer’s needs.

TPF developed what we call the ‘Philantrepreneur Model’ which is a three-step process for businesses to develop and implement an organic cause marketing campaign. Notably, the very first step is to identify the business’s ‘congruence of interest’.  This step helps a business go through a process to find a perfect match – congruence of interest. It will be a cause that aligns with the company’s goals and their target audience’s needs.

Learn more about the three-step process, Congruence of Interest, Impact Investing, and Meaningful Marketing with our course. Cause Marketing Course.

Cause marketing is a great strategy for any size business that utilizes organic marketing. However, TPF has a more valuable strategy that empowers a business with,

  • More control of the content,
  • No reliance on an external cause,
  • Immediate measurable results, and
  • Eliminates the uncertainty of the organic process, which is a long-term strategy.


You ARE the Social Impact

Let me explain and help you think about it strategically.

One of the most common ways that a business, in almost every industry, cultivates leads is by developing and making available simple tools and strategies that align with their customer’s needs. These resources could be webinars, videos, checklists, eguides, blogs or even a podcast. They set up the information to be freely accessed on their website or through distribution channels. Generally, the business uses a commonly used strategy of accessing the items by submitting an email, which essentially makes the resource a ‘lead magnet’.  These lead magnets become a source of information for the business about the visitor’s interests and needs based on what content they accessed. They can follow up with specifically targeted information related to the interest.

Lead magnets are great, but you still need to market those resources.

So, here’s a different strategy that adds numerous benefits.

What if your business organized all the resources in one location as an educational hub? This hub of valuable and educational information becomes a tool which has an impact and helps a specific audience within the community.  We call it a Social Impact hub and you ARE the social impact.

Social Impact is a valuable commodity for your business. It gains the advantages of increased credibility and being recognized as a company ‘doing good’.  It is important to position it as an educational hub because the hub becomes eligible for a different status – a community service entity which then makes it eligible for $10,000 per month in free ads. This empowers you to include marketing capacity into the process.

That is the foundation of TPF’s SOCIAL IMPACT PROGRAM.  We help businesses and develop the entire process in our ‘Done for You Formula’. We establish the entity, create a dynamic Social Impact educational hub, and secure your free ad approval.  Then offer ongoing ad management services. It’s the full package.

If you currently are buying digital ads and develop any kind of educational resources, you need to explore this program. With digital ads being 64% of all advertising this is the perfect plan for your business to stay competitive.

Increase your marketing effectiveness by shifting organic marketing into a paid ad format with a social impact component.

Learn more about setting up your social impact program and schedule a call at: SOCIAL IMPACT PROGRAM.

Our team has over 30 years’ experience in the sector and The Philantrepreneur Foundation is positioned to develop and manage the entire formula for you.

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