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Get Your Digital Ads Paid For

Does you spend a part of your marketing budget on digital ads?

That’s great if you do. I read a great LinkedIn article called  Why You Need to Get Digital to Get Ahead of the Game.  It mapped out why digital advertising is essential for a business, especially in this semi-post pandemic environment, and backed it up with reliable data.

They also pointed out a few key points that supports why our Social Impact Program strategies work. I’ll get to that later.

In a previous blog I talked about developing a Cause Marketing plan which market’s your business strategically and organically. It is still a great strategy; however, it doesn’t have the consistency nor control that advertising offers. In the digital space let’s look at creating digital ads, also known as responsive search ads and search advertising as they relate specifically to Google ads.

Online advertising or digital marketing strategies are highly conducive to incremental development. Businesses can layer one platform (concept) onto another and create a full-blown strategy that leads their ideal client through a journey.  In education we call it scaffolding, businesses refer to it as their ‘funnel’.  You can create the same journey with ads.

What would you do with an extra $120,000 per year added to your marketing budget?

Did that spark your interest? That takes us back to talking about social impact. It is one of the most highly effective starting points for a customer journey. It provides what they are looking for… and need.

  • 87% of consumers look for brands that demonstrate social impact.
  • You can create a Social Impact platform with the content you already have.
  • Your Social Impact platform will increase your advertising budget by $10,000 per month!

Those are some powerful numbers

Learn more about our Social Impact Program – Done For You Formula.

Additional resources

Free Live Webinar – January 11, 2022

YouTube TPF Network: 11 short videos on the What, Why and How topics.