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How to Maximize Results for Google Grant Ads


Google Ad Grants are a fantastic gift of $10,000 per month in free ads. However, no matter how phenomenal it may be, the requirement to have at least a 5% conversion rate (10% is considered good) does mean some thought needs to be behind the system. What is a conversion? In very simple terms, it is when a viewer sees your ad, is interested, then clicks it to access more information on your site.  That action dictates that basic marketing fundamentals and website optimization should be in place. Google even alludes to them in their website policies therefore this article will break them into 3 actionable strategies. The Google statement is:

“Your site must have a [1] robust and clear description of your organization, mission, and activities.  It must have [2] substantial content, updated events, and information, [3] clear navigation, and clear calls to action for a high-quality user experience. Your site’s content must be unique to your organization.”

  1. What is a ‘robust and clear’ description? This is the WHY and evolves from your mission. It clearly describes the IMPACT and changes your efforts produce – the results. The results are different from a mission statement. Most organizations know they need a mission statement, but most statements aren’t effective. In an earlier blog, How to Write a Mission Statement we addressed what makes a strong mission statement. To often we see statements that are too long, too vague, or really don’t detail what, who, and how. These 3 components are needed to create a strong and clear statement. Describe what you do – the topic, who you do it for – who’s in need, and how you do it – the method, education, support etc… The IMPACT is your WHY,

Results and impact move prospective donors to action.

  1. Google analytics tracks two types of activity, what’s happening on the site, and how many people click your ad (conversion). Google looks for activity on you site and rewards you with a higher ranking. That means your ads are placed higher on a search page. It also tracks traffic to your site to reach that 5% conversion. Pages on your site are static which means the content doesn’t change. Therefore, you need to provide new content and information. That can be accomplished with blog posts containing fresh (doesn’t have to new) or calendars that list upcoming events. Blogs can cover a wide range of topics, such as program details, why to donate, industry trends, new research. The key is to post often.

Create a calendar of blogs, write all in one session, track topics or make a series.

  1. The user’s experience influences and can benefit your results. That is why navigation must be easy and calls to action clear. In our experience an organization’s website is their brochure, a catalog of everything you need to know about that organization. However, ads should be very specific and clearly direct a visitor exactly where you want them to go. Sending them to the main site, so they must search for what they are looking for – you will lose them. That is why combining blogs with landing pages are so effective. The ad targets the blog, the blog contains fresh content plus a call to action using a direct links to the exact (landing) page you are referencing. If it is a donation solicitation – send them directly to the donation portal. Each of your organization’s components, programs, services, information, should have their own landing page.


Resources related to Google Ad Grants

For Nonprofits: GAG Kick Start

For Business: Purpose to Profits Program

$10K Free Money eGuide

Landing Page Tips and Tools

The Philantrepreneur Foundation


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