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Is Fundraising Your #1 Challenge?

Is fundraising really a nonprofit’s #1 challenge? If you do any type of research, you will find that marketing not fundraising is the #1 challenge for most nonprofits. Unfortunately, it is often skimmed over or implemented as an afterthought. In this be seen and heard society and economy, whether you like it or not, in addition to competing against other nonprofits, you also compete against Netflix, Facebook, Instagram…  you get the picture – everything. Without marketing any fundraising efforts will be mediocre at best. In addition, you need marketing for more than fundraising.

So, let’s combine the two challenges. Increase your marketing with a grant for nonprofits.

Why it is important. Marketing should be used to support everything you do, however thinking of it that way can be overwhelming. To simplify the marketing process, let’s keep it simple and have you think of two distinct phases, 1. Creating it and 2. Distributing it. Marketing should be relevant content combined with distribution strategies to reach current followers and attract new ones.


In the creating phase, especially for a social impact brand (nonprofit) content marketing is a powerful strategy and storytelling leads the lists.

It doesn’t matter if the marketing focuses on soliciting donation, promoting programs, or announcing an upcoming event, you need to start with a story. Good storytelling is crucial, but not just any story — your brand’s story. Something compelling and honest about your nonprofit that influences supporters, donors, and funders alike to listen, engage, and act. The old adage, ‘If you create it, they will come’, is hogwash. First, if they don’t know about you, they will not come. Second, internally a nonprofit has a false sense of need. I am not saying your efforts are not needed, just that everyone has different passion points. I’ve experienced in the past where someone got upset that I was not as enthusiastic about their cause as they were. I was not their ideal audience. If you tell a compelling story, you will attract those that align with your passion – your audience.

What are some storytelling strategies?

  1. WHY: Of course, you want to tell the story of your WHY. Why the organization is important and the impact you have on the community (the who).
  2. TESTIMONIALS: Stories can come from clients, volunteers, and even the board – your influencers.
  3. CAUSE MARKETING: The story of business partnership(s). Learn more about CM HERE.


Consistent and diversified are two elements that should be the foundation of your distribution efforts. Do you have a marketing plan? An actual calendar with scheduled post and distribution strategies. I’ll let you think about that for a minute.

Where to distribute? –Everywhere, is that a simple enough answer.

Your Website: Your website is your organization’s hub, a brochure and the main place you distribute information. All of your marketing distribution efforts should drive traffic to your website.

Social Presence: Do you have a presence on all the major channels (diversification) and are you posting regularly (consistency). It’s not that hard to maintain using the scheduling features or platforms that organize it for you. As the Marketing Sparkler Kemya Scott has told me time and again, “If you think it’s enough, double it.“

Do you have a Google Ad Grant?  Do you have one but don’t use it? We can help you with that.

No nonprofit is too small to reap the benefits of this excellent resource – free.  Check out the $10K Free Money Guide which provides all the details on what it is, how to apply, and how to use it.

Visit our website for even more resources for nonprofits.

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